Recent Accomplishments from Dr. Norma Fuentes-Mayorga
March 22, 2021
DSA Board Member Dr. Norma Fuentes-Mayorga has recently been the recipient of numerous awards and has published several scholarly works. Below, you can read about her most recent accomplishments.
Spring 2020, Award for Outstanding Teaching and Service. Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership. City College. May 2020. (
Russel Sage Foundation’s Covid-19 Research Award, “Stitching the U.S. Safety Net: Inequality and Social Mobility in Mixed Status Latino Immigrant Familie." Co-PI with Assistant Professor, Yana Kucheva (PI). Award notification, February, 2021. Research project to start June 1, 2021.
Social Sciences Research Council’s Covid-19 Pilot Research Award, (PI) in collaboration with Assistant Professor Yana Kucha (Co-PI) to conduct preliminary research project titled, “Revisiting the Hispanic Health Paradox: The Housing and Work Experiences of Immigrants in New York City during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Baranik de Alarcón, S. E., Secor, D. H., & Fuentes-Mayorga, N. (2021). “We Are Asking Why You Treat Us This Way. Is It Because We Are Negroes?” A Reparations-Based Approach to Remedying the Trump Administration’s Cancellation of TPS Protections for Haitians. Michigan Journal of Race and Law, 26(1), 1-48. (Equal Contributor).
García-Carmona, M., Fuentes-Mayorga, N., & Rodríguez-García, A. M. (2021). Educational Leadership for Social Justice in Multicultural Contexts: The Case of Melilla, Spain. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 20(1), 76-94. (Equal contributor).
García-Carmona, M., Evangelou, M., & Fuentes-Mayorga, N. (2020). ‘Hard-to-reach’ parents: immigrant families’ participation in schools and the views of parent association leaders in Spain and the United States. Research Papers in Education, 35(3), 337-358. (Equal contributor).
Cuecuecha, Alfredo; McLeod, Darryl; Fuentes, Norma; and Balderas, Ulyses (2019) "The Decline in Mexican Migration to the US: Why is Texas different?" Mission Foods Texas-Mexico Center Research. 5. (Equal contributor).